############################## Alternatives for Ternary Plots ############################## If mpltern does not satisfy your demands for ternary plots, think of the following alternatives. .. _Python: https://www.python.org .. _R: https://www.r-project.org .. _JavaScript: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript .. _LaTeX: https://www.latex-project.org .. _MATLAB: https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html .. _ggtern: http://www.ggtern.com .. Errorbars http://www.ggtern.com/2014/02/02/new-geometry-ternary-errorbars-3 rotation of ternary plots http://www.ggtern.com/2016/03/18/version-2-0-0-released Crosshairs : Similar to Axes.hlines and Axes.vlines in matplotlib http://www.ggtern.com/2016/03/18/version-2-1-0-released Isoproportion lines http://www.ggtern.com/2016/03/18/version-2-1-0-released Arrows along the axes http://www.ggtern.com/2016/03/18/version-2-1-1-released triangular and hexagonal binning with values http://www.ggtern.com/2018/01/20/version-2-2-2-released .. _Ternary: https://cran.r-project.org/package=Ternary .. rotations of ternary plots (only for up, right, down, left) https://ms609.github.io/Ternary/articles/Ternary.html#create-a-blank-plot "clockwise" is implemented, but not documented very much. .. _vcd: https://cran.r-project.org/package=vcd .. Tick labels inside the triangle https://rdrr.io/cran/vcd/man/ternaryplot.html .. _Plotly: https://plot.ly/javascript .. tick-label angles must be specified by hand https://plot.ly/javascript/ternary-plots .. _d3-ternary: https://github.com/davenquinn/d3-ternary .. tick-labels along the axis https://github.com/davenquinn/d3-ternary .. _PGFPlots: http://pgfplots.sourceforge.net .. tie lines http://pgfplots.sourceforge.net/gallery.html .. _Veusz: https://veusz.github.io .. Ternary plots are not documented very much. .. _ternaryplot.com: http://www.ternaryplot.com .. tick-labels horizontal to the tick markers .. _ternary-plots: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/7210-ternary-plots .. Ternary plots are not documented very much. .. _alcheyst-ternplot: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/2299-alchemyst-ternplot .. Ternary plots are not documented very much. .. _Grapher: https://www.goldensoftware.com/products/grapher .. _JMP: https://www.jmp.com/de_de/home.html .. Ternary plots are not documented very much. .. _Origin: https://www.originlab.com .. Parallelogram shape 3D Ternary plot Piper diagram .. _Statgraphics: http://www.statgraphics.com .. Ternary plots are not documented very much. Open-source =========== - Python_ - `Plotly `__ - `python-ternary `_ - R_ - `Plotly `__ - ggtern_ - Ternary_ - vcd_ - JavaScript_ - Plotly_ - `d3-ternary (TypeScript) `__ - LaTeX_ - PGFPlots_ - GUI - Veusz_ - Online - ternaryplot.com_ (based on d3-ternary) Proprietary =========== - MATLAB_ - ternary-plots_ - alcheyst-ternplot_ - GUI - `DPlot `_ - Grapher_ - JMP_ - Origin_ - Statgraphics_